Saturday, November 21, 2009

You Are Here, Even Though You Are Gone...

This came to me unexpectedly, so often as these things do...

I just don't understand why this is happening. I KNEW it was going to happen, I in fact warned others about it, but I suppose I wasn't ready myself. Maybe I am ready, it's just the fact that death itself can often rattle a persons brain. What is death? Extinction of life to an individual. To cease to exist. After death, there seems to be a certain "golden touch" affect that occurs, where everything that a particular person has touched or come into contact with, seems to be tainted in a certain dark way. In the last 9 months, I have experienced 4 deaths. None of which who I have been very close to, but it is interesting how just the idea of someone you once knew, no longer living, that can fuck with your mind like nothing else. I will not disclose any of the names of the people who have passed, out of respect, but I assume most of my readers know who they are. I dedicate this to them, to their families, and to all that they have affected, in live or death. I pray that the Lord shows their souls mercy and compassion. It is such a terrifying idea that one day not too far off, none of us will enjoy the enigma of life. It just seems to slip away from us all too quickly...I cannot imagine what you friends and families are going through. I'm sure I will find out soon enough...but I am dreading that day, when I lose someone close to me.

First, overdose.
Second, suicide
Third, brain tumor
Fourth, murder...with a semiautomatic pistol.

What has this damned world come to? May God himself watch over the immediate victims of these tragedies. Though none of you were close friends of mine, my heart goes out to all of you. My condolences and tears are shed for you. I cannot even begin to understand your pain, a pain that is unfair for you to feel, but try and hold trust, steadfast in faith. The Lord will deliver. You have my word.

I am so sorry...

Tonight, our tears are one in the eyes of His son.

Our hearts are in sync.

Our minds are in wavelength.

Rest In Peace, Children of God. Brothers & Sister.

Rest In Peace

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