Currently facing a pivotal point in my life. I am 18 years old, going on 19, and still completely unsure of my future. Although most of my blogs (especially lately) have contained more of a cynical and skeptical outlook, this is not negative at all. This is more of a contemplative appeal with slight apprehension. I am one of those people who cannot make up his mind. There are so many components of my life that make up "me" that I cannot simply fit all of them into one idealistic future. I am afraid that I will choose a direction, and be unhappy with it. I have always been a person who will start something with magnificence, but will not finish it. This is something that I want to change, however this is a challenge I am not sure how to go about. My love and passion for knowledge peaks my interest in so many areas, and it creates difficulty in major decisions, like what to study, and what career to strive for. Music is my first love and natural talent, but not my passion. Music is simply a hobby of mine that if provoked with success, I would take it without question, but it is not my dream. Every kid dreams of being a rockstar, and God knows that I have had my glory moments. I have played in front of thousands, toured internationally, made over $10,000 in my work, been offered endorsements, been offered multiple contracts that range past the "million dollar marker", been featured with over 5 different major upcoming artists, met and associated with many big industry names and connections, played with many extremely talented musicians, and to this day am still meeting, connecting, networking, and interacting with potential variants who could construct my future at any given moment. The last 4 years of my life have been music based and this is where it has taken me. As much as the rockstar life intrigues me, I regrettably cannot chase this dream forever. I need to start making beneficial decisions for myself. Though I am still young, these next 4 years are going to make me or break me, and they are going to fly by faster that ever before.
I am very sorry to say...this economic recession has clouded all of our judgement. It's as if the inner workings of our governmental and national systems that caused this recession have secretly slipped our country one huge date rape drug, along side a 40oz and a shot of every hard liquor imaginable, at the same time. It has caused every American citizen, young and old, to have an extremely clouded sense of what is right, wrong, correct, incorrect, or indifferent. No one knows what to do, and we are all pushed to levels in which we have never faced. Mark my words, even if Obama can start to heal our economy, we are going to have one hell of a hangover, for God knows how long. For the first time since the first depression of our country, people are forced to face unemployment, foreclosure, bankruptcy, and depression. Some turn to stealing. Some turn to drugs. Some turn to suicide. Some fight, but we are all weary. The youth of this nation are in a pivotal point of confusion. For the first time, a good education actually may not mean anything for your future. For the first time, a large percentage of youth is considering an armed force...simply to escape and have security. How else must we survive? So many of my generation, including myself, are no longer looking into careers and opportunities because we are passionate and interested, instead because they provide safety or a higher paying guarantee. Since I was born, I have dreamed of becoming either a pilot, doctor, or a writer. Later, my interest was sparked in psychology, music, and business. Now, I sit here at my age, deciphering through these main 6 careers, completely stumped to what I really want, and what is right for me. There are times when I seem sure, but my mind is easily changed. I want to somehow incorporate all 6, but I know that this is an impossibility. Currently, my interest in writing has gotten the best of me. I feel that with a little training, I would make a remarkable writer/editor. It wouldn't be too difficult to acquire an internship if I dedicated my time to it. With some schooling and some connections, I know I could be successful. However, I know that by next week, my mind will already be somewhere else.
There is not much else to write. I have stated the obvious that I just can not make up my mind. I know that some day soon I will have to make a decision, I just pray that I am ready when that time comes, and I will not regret it. Right now, writing seems promising. This is something in which I have known and done for a very long time. Something I am confident in. With developing research skills and motivation, I believe I could become the next Jim Nelson, or someone of his stature. This is not impossible. But this does require work and effort. A work and effort that I can only give when my mind and my heart are at 100% harmony together, and as of now, I have not felt this kind of clarity. I pray it comes to me soon. But me of all people should know, that sometimes in life, you just have to go for it.
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