Friday, March 12, 2010

Beautiful Morning.

Good morning Los Angeles.

Driving down the 118 freeway this morning and the sunrise was brilliant. I have decided that I am going to create another blog. This one being for my emotional depth and thoughts (as always) and the other will be for keeping up with things in the media that spark my interest, such as film, literature, music, people, etc. I am very excited to start it up. As far as this morning, I proceeded to make the most incredible breakfast ever. It makes me miss having a woman to bring breakfast to in the morning. Soon enough I suppose. Now I am off to the hospital. Hitting Santa Barbara party scene tonight, very excited. Anyways, this was my brief update on my life at this particular moment in time. Love you all <3


  1. The proper mood brings the high thoughts to write something so it should not be missed.

  2. At morning the mind remains cool, it is the proper time to start up the work.
