Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This Goes Out To The Rich & Poor...I Stand As A Broken Man

I have come to realize that I am highly misunderstood.  By everyone around me.  The people whom one grows to love and trust, and spend their precious time with...the ones one is most comfortable with.  Only a handful of people actually understand me.  Not even that many.  Maybe one.  Possibly two...but if their are that many than I am not aware of it yet.  Only one comes to mind.  I would like to find a friend, or grow with a friend to have a friendship where we really understand each other.  I've been given a gift of understanding.  It is no problem for me to understand people in a particular circumstance.  I understand smart decisions as well as the stupid.  Sometimes as humans, we do things for absolutely no apparent reason.  Some people can't wrap their head around that truth.  Not EVERYTHING is executed with reason, but every executable reaction is developed with reason.  It's a complex puzzle.  It kind of parallels with my writing.  I can guarantee that 90% of you readers have no fucking idea what I am writing about -- ever.  Re-read the last 40 blogs and TRY to develope a reason for everything that I am saying.  Maybe half of you will develope a reason for half of the blogs.  That's a big maybe.  That's the reason why I only have 6 followers, and not even all of them read my blogs.  I'd say 3 or 4 do.  And their are also the ones who just read and don't follow.  To you few...please...if you haven't already...tell me if you read, and tell me what you think.  It is truthfully one of the greatest compliments you can give me.  You will make my entire day.  Even the closest of my friends simply don't get me.  They think they do, and they can tell you truths about me, but they can't feel me.  They don't experience the way that I do.  People judge.  People form opinions, as well as myself.  But people aren't willing to reason and understand the way that I do.  Most people don't understand that they can talk to me about absolutely anything and don't have to worry about their judgement in my eyes...because most people don't realize that I've been through practically everything in one way or another.  If you object to this, I challenge you to challenge me.  But I am not perfect and I am not higher than another.  I am the man on the side.  I am the one with my back against the castle wall.  I observe.  I feel the emotions of others.  My blood runs with stimuli.  I am the one with more passion and more vision than the kings of this world.  I see too much and feel too strongly.  It is the most unhealthy vitamin.  Is there not a soul in the world that hears me?  There are so many actors and confused people...  This goes out to the rich and poor, I stand as a broken man.  I have a dream we'll get out this week.  So all the cities of the world say a prayer for me.

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