Sunday, July 19, 2009

Watering The Lawn

I am intelligent life...foreign in my mission. I am misunderstood and feared are most predators of any enormity, simply misunderstood. My feelings...slightly tired and slightly hungry, with overall joy and readiness to start the day. My weapon...fierce and relentless. It stops at nothing, it shows no mercy. Oh they have seen this before, but the experience is long outlived. Only their ancestors from generations ago have encountered it, and even they have come to no conclusion of defense. They are defenseless to me and my power, they are naked unto me. Their guard is higher then ever, but lower then can be imagined. To them...I am nothing but a beast. I am a creature who comes to ruin them. To imagine their intellectual conclusions...I am a Godzilla and they are my ravishing, rural city. I am a natural disaster of catastrophic threat. I am worse then fire or earthquake or tornado...because I am not natural. I am a monster, reigning upon all I wish. I am a living being, as are they...and they do not understand me. Their misunderstanding and misinterpretation of me strikes the deepest fear into their hearts. I bring upon them flood and terror of my wrath. I am a disgusting act of terrorism in their eyes. I am a disturbing wave of all things they have ever experienced, all added up and calculated to this exact moment in time. I am their symbol of hatred and horror. I am essentially, their Revelation. I am their apocalyptic, unrepresentable, undocumented beast of all beasts, atoning each of them for their wrongs and unrighteousness. I wreak havoc in their streets. I destroy their most precious landmarks and most abundant sources of life without mercy or second thought. I look down upon the life and willingly make a choice to destroy. To them, I play the role of God and Satan at the same time. I am taking their lives in brutal war, but have all the power to spare them life and abundance. Once the final seconds have come, I slowly withdraw and disarm my weapon. I look upon the brokenness I have caused, and I am pleased. I mentally set a date of when I shall return, after all these small lives and family lineages have come to pass, and their heirs must accept a similar challenge of survival, as they did. I recoil all offenses and begin to make my decent back into the deep unexplored realm of the air, and slowly i disappear into my safe zone. My planet , unmoving mother ship, my bunker. I leave them beside themselves and their dead loved ones. They examine the damage and analyze the depth of destruction in which I have caused. Almost immediately, they begin to reform and rebuild. Just like our kind, they quickly adjust and learn to survive. Darwin would call it Survival of the Fittest, but I would call it the God given, natural stage of recovery. Over then next million generations...they will devote themselves to rebuilding and cherishing all that they come to have in what is left in their lives. If the monster spared their lives, they don't take it as chance, but however as a miracle and a sign that THEY are today's tomorrow and tomorrow's today. So they live to the fullest...doing their part to help the environment as well as their family and others. They nourish the ground and fertilize the growing things. They lift, place, construct, destruct, organize, and build a monumental empire. They try to imagine how they lived before...they silently thank the great monster for opening their eyes. They accept in their hearts that sometimes in order to get a point across, it takes force and maybe even death and disaster. Their armies and military branches try and breach the monsters bunker on the inside, for study and understanding, but few make it out alive with any sufficient data. So they accept their meekness and for hundreds of generations to come, they take care of their lives and surroundings. It becomes natural and custom and culture to them to truly live and love and flourish, until one dark time...their youth will rebel. The young and upcoming will make new laws and standards which are seemingly right and "new age", but they will have absolutely none of the principles in which their ancestors held to. Soon, the new age will take over and the city will deteriorate and crumble. Over time with ignorance...from the depths of the unknown...I, the beast will return with my weapon, and face the races with new battle. This is an ongoing cycle. Call it it it disaster...but whatever you call it, know that it is coming for all of us who live, and know that the being behind it is always greater, and often misunderstood. Amen.

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